
PhD Defense Presentation

I would like to expand some on this later (after the defense) with reflections etc.

Now I just need to get down the procedure I used to make a quality MPEG of a rotating crystal-packed molecule that I can call from OOO Impress.

To make an MPEG from PyMOL I first needed to install the FreeMol addon pack:

1. Download FreeMol "trunk" tarball from svn repo here.
2. Follow install tips from here.

I moved the FreeMol "trunk" directory to /opt/trunk/ and then cd into each package within /opt/trunk/src. Then I ran < ./cofigure ; make ; sudo make install ; make clean > within each package directory. I had to install the GNU fortran compiler (from synaptic package manager) for one to work.

After you "save as" your MPEG movie you can call it from OOO Impress using a macro command.

1. In OOO Imress go to -> Tools -> Macros -> Organize Macros -> OOO Basic
2. Create a new module within the standard library following these instructions.

I deviated somewhat by using this in my macro command:

Sub Main
Shell("totem --fullscreen --toggle-controls /home/me/chem/movie/movie.mpg",2)
End Sub

New Discovery - It looks like I should be able to embed an AVI file directly into my Impress Slide. From OOO go to Insert -> Movie & Sound and select the .avi file. May need to install a codec (libavcodec?) first...verification needed. Also to convert the MPEG from PyMOL to an AVI format install ffmpeg and then run
> ffmpeg -i file.mpeg file.avi

A video toolbar comes up when you click on the embedded box where you can select "repeat." The AVI video will automatically start playing when you advance to the slide and continue until you move on.

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